Obesity is a serious health problem that affects billions of people around the world. This problem can be caused by several factors. In most cases, obesity does not only depend on the patient’s willingness to stop eating in high quantities, but genetics plays a big role, as well as endocrine, and social factors. Obesity has serious implications for general health, like decreased life expectancy and a lower quality of life. In addition to the psychological and social repercussions, it is often very disabling and can cause social rejection and individual isolation.

Among the diseases associated to obesity we can mention type 2 diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, elevated blood fats, and joint, respiratory, and cardiac problems. It is proven that these problems drastically improve and can even completely disappear when the obese patient loses the extra weight.

In OBESITY EL SALVADOR we recommend above everything the prevention of obesity by leading a healthy life, following a balanced diet, routinely exercising, and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle. However, there is a group of people with extreme or morbid obesity, for whom bariatric surgery is the best treatment. Always consider bariatric surgery or obesity surgery, not just as an isolated treatment, but as the initial step within a series of changes that lead to a new and improved lifestyle.