Cosmetic surgery is a part of plastic surgery.
Plastic surgery is the medical specialty whose function is to bring the body shape to functional and anatomical normality. Through surgery, it seeks to reconstruct deformities and correct functional deficiencies by transforming the human body.
La finalidad es que el paciente que ha nacido con un defecto congénito o ha sufrido un accidente o condición médica (como obesidad) que le ha hecho perder la función, alcance la normalidad, tanto en su aspecto como en la función de su cuerpo. También permite brindar la mejoría estética al remodelar cuerpos para hacerlos más bellos.
Obesity, on the other hand, beyond the serious physiological repercussions of the organism, brings implicit changes in the shape of the body that bother most of the people who suffer from it, which therefore generates serious psychological repercussions, isolation of the person, discomfort in public, bad relationship with a partner, etc. All these problems can be minimized or even disappear if people have the body shape that they wish.
In OBESITY EL SALVADOR we count with qualified professionals to offer different treatment alternatives in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery for both national and international patients. For this reason, we have strategic alliances with hotels, transportation companies, tourist sites, and hospitals. Therefore, we can offer foreigners an enjoyable tourist trip to El Salvador, while simultaneously receiving the benefits of plastic surgery at reasonable costs.
The purpose of this type of procedures is that a patient who was born with a congenital defect, has suffered an accident, or has a medical condition (such as obesity) that has caused them to lose function of their body, reaches normality, both in appearance and performance. It also provides aesthetic improvement by reshaping bodies to make them more appealing.
Among the procedures that we offer, we can mention:
- Post-bariatric surgery
- Abdominoplasty
- Liposuction
- Liposculpture